Thursday, October 15, 2009


1. Metacrawler
2. Virus as living organism
3. I kept it like it is above.
4. 10/15/09
5. 52
6. I would say the relevance of the hits was a 4. Most pertained to my search and a few were off the wall.

1. Technorati
2. liv* virus*
3. I used the operator shown above.
4. 10/15/09
5. 6
6. 1

2. Virus biology
3. I was unable to use operators here because the search came up empty.
4. 10/15/09
5. 387
6. 2, the hits i recieved were about certain viruses ie flu, hiv, and hepatitis.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Internet Research

Internet Research website

Website Presentation



2.Wolfram/Alpha (W/A) is a computational knowledge engine. Started by Stephen Wolfram in the 90s W/A is a state of the art computing engine. It uses built in alogrithms and inputed data it calculates any mathematical equation. It also offers a blog area and a community link to review with other users. It offers other areas of focus the math such as life science, geography, chemistry, and physics but the main idea of the website is for computing equations.

3.I tried the website for my topic and realized that it is not that kind of search engine actually not a search engine at all. It did link me to a definition of a virus when all I put in was virus but once I added more words it failed to find information. Then I used it for an equation and it worked fantastic. I found the voltage using ohms law that has been uploaded unto the website and it was extremely simple to operate.

4.Like I said above the real weakness would be to try and do an actual search here. The website is very limited and not used for basic search attempts.

5.Wolfram/Alpha uses its own database to search within.


7.The way it is used is to click a link say mathematics then it breaks down to subcategories such basic arithmetic or more challenging like properties of a knot.

8.You do have to use keywords like amps or ohms but there is no case sensitive problems.

9.There are no stop words on this particular engine.

10.Also the search function is done by links to subcategories.

11.The main limit is the website is built on actual data it does not contain topics with opinion.

12.Sorting is done by the categories.

13.The display is easy to follow and well organized.

14.There is a FAQs, Blog, community and a new to wolfram/alpha link to help get started.

15.The special features of this website would be the blog and community mostly. The website as an entiriety is a special feature to me. I think it is awesome that they have all that computing knowledge there for anyone to use. All in all a great website if you are there to solve a problem.

Thursday, October 1, 2009



I use the google search engine for most of my browsing needs. I employ google due to its ease and the fact I have always known about it. I do not like that google has so many hits on my searches I do and I find it hard to minimize or filter the search engines crawler. I also don't like how some websites are sponsored and have precedence over the academical websites I need. The main reason I use google I guess is habit.


The website I was issued did not have to much information on viruses. Actually nothing but a definition. The website is a computing program and contains algorithms and formulas for various mathematical uses. But it is a new domain and will take time to broaden the scope of information obtained. Wolfram/Alpha is the site name and does allow some operators. I used * on the ends of various words such as virus, organism, and liv. I did not try any other operators for my topic but did research others. I believe the relevance of this website like many depends on what you are searching for. Mathematically it is a 5 but when it comes to life science or biology it drops to a 2.


I plan on either visting a museum or doing a one on one interview with a scientific leader at school. I hope to get an understanding on how the scientific community faces the decision of making viruses living organisms. So I might try to find a person from each side of the argument to review the points I hope to find researching. I do not know the exact questions I will be asking but after completing more research they will come.