Thursday, October 1, 2009



I use the google search engine for most of my browsing needs. I employ google due to its ease and the fact I have always known about it. I do not like that google has so many hits on my searches I do and I find it hard to minimize or filter the search engines crawler. I also don't like how some websites are sponsored and have precedence over the academical websites I need. The main reason I use google I guess is habit.


The website I was issued did not have to much information on viruses. Actually nothing but a definition. The website is a computing program and contains algorithms and formulas for various mathematical uses. But it is a new domain and will take time to broaden the scope of information obtained. Wolfram/Alpha is the site name and does allow some operators. I used * on the ends of various words such as virus, organism, and liv. I did not try any other operators for my topic but did research others. I believe the relevance of this website like many depends on what you are searching for. Mathematically it is a 5 but when it comes to life science or biology it drops to a 2.


I plan on either visting a museum or doing a one on one interview with a scientific leader at school. I hope to get an understanding on how the scientific community faces the decision of making viruses living organisms. So I might try to find a person from each side of the argument to review the points I hope to find researching. I do not know the exact questions I will be asking but after completing more research they will come.

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