Tuesday, November 3, 2009


What does it mean to be a living organism? Must you walk, talk, and eat or is it more complexed. Turns out it is more complexed and viruses sometimes fall short of the required characteristics. At the same time viruses also have points in their life when they meet the majority of these requirements. So I ask why do we not consider them living organisms. I believe that viruses have stages in their life that they are more alive than some people. They eat, evolve, replicate, and move and do so with the assistance of a host. In this paper I will explain how a virus lives and how it meets the qualifications of a living organism at certain points in its life.
Are viruses living or not?

I. Introduction
A. Hook
B. List of what will be discussed in the paper
i. Summary of a virus
1. Characteristics, host cell, life span, summary
ii. Comparisons to other organism
1. i.e. bacteria
iii. Qualifications
1. What makes a living organism living?
2. Where does a virus stand? (Table comparing both)
iv. Survey conducted ( Interview or poll on internet)
v. Special circumstances
1. Certain viruses living
2. Stages of life when a virus could be considered living
II. Paragraph 1
A. Breakdown of what a virus is.
i. Shape, function, variations, lifespan, and characteristics
ii. How it infects a host cell?
III. Qualifications
A. What makes a living organism?
i. Movement, evolution, metabolism, and etc
ii. Where does a virus stand? (Table comparing both)
IV. Comparisons to other organism
A. Compare to bacteria
i. Differences and similarities to bacteria
V. Special Circumstances
A. Certain viruses considered before others
i. Giant virus
B. Particular stages of life considered
i. Dormant stage vs. active
VI. Results from survey
A. Discuss results from interview or survey
VII. Conclusion
A. Wrap up
i. Restate key points
ii. Strong finish

I am not sure what happened to my outline but it looks like crap.

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