Thursday, August 27, 2009

RJA #2

2A Topics for Research Paper

1. String Theory

2. Quantum Theory

3. Conciousness

4. Dark matter/energy

2B My Chosen Topic

What is conciousness? Do we as humans display it? I hope to explore the physical and philosophical understanding or lack of regarding conciousness. As of now I am keeping an open mind on what I believe. I do stand steady on people are concious but I believe some people are not. Hopefully the questions I have can be answered or allow me to create my own opinion.

After taking Intro to Philosophy at Metro I know that conciousness is the reality of being. Do we as humans be? I know that does not sound correct and it probaly is not. Let me clarify, do we exist in this world or are we just here. As I write this I find it hard to explain. Existence is what we learned about and focused our discussions. Does existing on this world walking and talking make us concious or do we need to have a higher understanding to be truly concious.

There is so much I don't know about the discussions among scholars on conciousness and want to read a couple books I bookmarked to get a better understanding. I want to learn both sides of the argument and decide what I believe then try to write a convincing paper. Like I said existence is the key to me. I want to know what entails someone to exist and how conciousness plays its role.


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