Thursday, September 3, 2009

RJA #3

3A. Exploring my research topic

I started with wikipedia to get an idea on the current issues dealing with philosophical debates on conciousness. There I routed myself to other websites with more information and continue my reasearch. After reading through a few of the linked pages I have decided that the topic chosen might not be adequately argued. There are so many different theories that the time taken to just read them would be enormous. So I am going to go back to my first blog and choose another topic and see what I can do. So I moved on to biology and looked around and decided to do my paper on vivisection. Vivisection is the study of organisms, live organisms, either under anesthesia or not to study their internal organs for reasons other that their health.

3B. Narrowing my research topic

My topic is already fairly concise so I don't believe i will be narrowing it.

3C. Developing a research question

Is it necessary to use vivisection for human benefits?

Where would we be without vivisection?

Why is it considered inhumane?

1 comment:

  1. A question you can add is who does vivisection affect, and also vivisection is used on animals, so maybe include something about that as well.
